+256 393194011 asssi.director@acesjp.org

Education is a critical foundation to advancing social justice, transforming lives, and building sustainable peace and development.

We are focused on ensuring that as many school-age-going children in underserved communities regardless of who they are and their circumstances – have an equal opportunity to progress and to create a life that they dream and deserve through access to quality education.

We believe that investing in every child’s education can be our world’s smartest investment.

We provide peace and conflict resolution curricular and animate structures in schools such as; restorative circles, peace theatres, and peer mediation committees.

We passionately believe in the capacity of young people to change our world. Our intervention on Promoting Peace in and through Education is focused on growing the voice of young people as change agents that drive sustainable peace and security in communities.

We are focused on ensuring that as many school-age-going children in underserved communities regardless of who they are and their circumstances – have an equal opportunity to progress and to create a life that they dream and deserve through access to quality education.

We expand women’s economic opportunities as a vehicle to support families and communities to increase their household incomes, food security, build better livelihoods and to escape poverty permanently.

Promoting Girls Education is an essential ingredient to addressing some of our most disturbing global problems. We support girls to access learning opportunities that empower them to discover their own strength, advocate for themselves, to determine their own course of lives and lead change.

Our Menstrual Health and Hygiene programming ensures that adolescent girls have the opportunity to stay in school all through and to reach their full potential by overcoming obstacles to their health, freedom and development.

Our School feeding programme is an essential tool to improving school access, retention, progression completion and transitions in underserved communities.

We expand women’s economic opportunities as a vehicle to support families and communities to increase their household incomes, food security, build better livelihoods and to escape poverty permanently.

At the core of our interventions is a focus to transform lives in ways that are lasting and measurable.

We support schools to put in place gender sensitive structures and water points that help children to practice appropriate hygiene practices as they focus on their learning.

We expand women’s economic opportunities as a vehicle to support families and communities to increase their household incomes, food security, build better livelihoods and to escape poverty permanently.

We support schools to put in place gender sensitive structures and water points that help children to practice appropriate hygiene practices as they focus on their learning.

Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace (ACESJP) exists to create a world free from illiteracy, exclusion, violence, and gender inequality.


We envision a world where social justice, human rights, and equitable power relations between all humanity are recognized as factors for sustainable peace and development.


To create a just, fairer and peaceful Uganda society for all.

Explore our interventions

Promoting access to quality education.

We facilitate greater access to quality education through addressing barriers that marginalize children’s school access, retention, progression, completion and transition.


Peacebuilding in and through education.

We provide peace and conflict resolution curricular and animate structures in schools such as; restorative circles, peace theatres, and peer mediation committees.


Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods.

Economic, environmental, social resilience and empowerment are key factors in supporting the abilities of individuals and communities to overcome exclusion, marginalization and poverty.



Read about our latest news, listen to the voices of the people we work with, read about our change stories, and stay informed.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

There are so many ways to get involved with Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace, no matter who you are or where you live – and you can start now.


Bunga Hill, Ggaba Road. P.O Box 12428 Kampala, Uganda


Call Us: +256 393194011